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Post Departure

Post Departure

New country, the new atmosphere is difficult for any person to adjust to. For Students to be away from near ones and dear ones in a new place is certainly not a cakewalk activity. Many students after reaching a new country find it difficult in adjusting to this new life of theirs.

Sadhya Overseas table post departure services to all the aspirants so that they feel comfortable and at home overseas. We have a strong network of alumni in various countries and this network is full of members willing to assist the students with various post departure services like finding accommodation for staying, providing an orientation of surrounding and new culture, providing information of after school hours part-time jobs, airport pickups, etc.

Such information enables the new students to get a fair view of the place and the amenities that are available. We ensure that our aspirants feel at home away from home. Our post departure services also include pick up from the airport and providing a staying facility near the university area.

We take personal care of our students and guide them on what to do, where to go, and whom to contact after reaching University or college. In other words, our counselors will be in touch with them for 24 hours after the student reach the destination and will be there for any help before they are fully satisfied and settled.